
September 2024
4th September Welcome back. Share photos from the summer
Fear Institute
11th September Social Evening
18th September Members Evening
25th September Alex Nail, Mountain photographer
Closing date for Competition 1
October 2024
2nd October Simon Caplan, Woodland Photography
9th October Judging of Competition 1
16th October Josh Dury, “Starman” Astrophotography
23rd October “Boys in Bristol” Local Projects
30th October Greg Lovett, RPS Nature
November 2024
6th November Chris Palmer, “Intimate Landscapes” (Prints NOT available on Zoom)
With Hanham and Kingswood but now taking place at the Fear
13th November Tim Jones from Fotospeed
Closing date for Competition 2
20th November Colleen Slater, Macro
Zoom Shared with Hanham and Kingswood
27th November Judging of Competition 2
December 2024
4th December Mike Martin “I've told you a million times I don't repeat myself”
11th December Peter Crane - Street Photography
18th December Panel Competition
2025 Happy New Year
January 2025
8th January. Sarah Howard, Capturing Mood in Landscape Photography
Zoom (Shared with Hanham and Kingswood - KPS to organise)
15th January Sam Binding - Bristol, Somerset landscapes
Closing date for Competition 3
22nd January Rose Atkinson, “The Art of Blur”
29th January Judging of Competition 3
February 2025
5th February Social Evening
12th February AV competition
19th February Adrian Wyatt, “Continuing the Photographic Journey”
26th February Dean Packer –"The Joys (and frustrations) of Photography in Japan"
Closing date for Competition 4
March 2025
5th March Victoria Hillman - Macro
12th March Judging of Competition 4
19th March Jack Lodge, Landscapes and Nature
26th March Chairman's Challenge
April 2025
2nd April Kathy Farrell, “Wildlife”
9th April Members prints and Digital Images
Prints and DPI of the Year hand in
16th April Practical Evening “Droplets”
23rd April Easter Break
30th April Judging of Print and DPI of the Year
May 2025
7th May Jeremy Fennell, Bristol Photographer
14th May Annual General Meeting (AGM)
21st May Social Evening and Awards
Summer evening photography outings are held on the
first Wednesdays in June, July and August.
The finalised programme for September 2023 to May 2024
September 2023
6 th September: Welcome Back.
Members to share photos from the summer.
13th September: Local outing / Social evening.
20th September: Share images from outing. Kingswood Salver or other competition
27th: Our own Adrian Wyatt to share his Photography Journey.
27th September: Closing date for Competition No 1.
Please note this has been changed from the 20th
October 2023
4th October: Mike Ogborne: India and Street Photography.
11th October: Judging of Competition No 1 by Lee Spencer-Rees
18th October: Lisa Rendell: Creative Photography.
25th October.
To be held at Hanham PS.
Gareth Martin:The New Talk.
November 2023
1st November: David Lingham: Monochrome Images.
8th November IMPORTANT CHANGE re speaker evening at Hanham with Laura Pearce: Fashion and Beauty photography.
The talk will now be on Zoom.
Our members have two choices:
either watch the talk at Hanham on their large screen
or via zoom link at home.
Please note the 8th is also the closing date Competition No 2. Malcolm and Stewart will be in touch regarding the delivery of prints
15th November: Alastair Chalmers: Antarctic.
22nd November: Judging for Competition No 2 by Grete Howard ARPS.
29th November: Pam and Eddie Lane: New Zealand.
December 2023
6 th December.
Zoom hosted by Hanham
David Keep:Underwater Landscape.
13th December:
Panel competition. Winter theme.
Mince pies.
Christmas Break.
January 2024
3rd January.
Leigh Preston.
10th January: Sandie Cox: Wildlife Photography.
17th January: Closing date for Competition No 3.
17th January.
Zoom hosted by Hanham
Matt Emmett.
24th January.
Simon Caplan: Still Life Images.
31st January.
Competition No 3 Judged by Alistair Ritchie.
February 2024
7th February: Social evening.
14th February:
AV competition
21st February:
David Griffiths: Photos from North Wales.
28th February: Programme Change: Emily Endeen will be joining us via ZOOM. do have a look at her website:, titled: Soulful Photography . Please do not go to the Fear.
March 2024
6th March:
Chairman's Challenge.
Closing date for Competition No 4.
13th March:
Simon Williams
‘Through an older Vintage eye’ cameras and processes - Simons work was featured on the BBC News Channel
20th March:
Judging for Competition No 4 by Steve Field
Easter Break: No club Evenings on the 27th March and 3rd April
April 2024
10th April:
Members Evening: Prints and Digital.
Please return your competition cups and trophies.
17th April: Adrian Cooke: Seaside Photography.
Prints and DPI of the Year entries by today
24th April: Practical evening. TBC
May 2024
1st May.
Judging of Print and DPI of the year: Doug Lodge
8th May.
Bill Ward: In search of ……
15th May.
AGM. Social and Awards.
Summer evening photography outings are held on the
first Wednesdays in June, July and August.
September 2022
7th September: Welcome Back Members Evening - show us what you have photographed over the summer
Kingswood Salver
14th September: Photoshoot Outing T.B.C.
21st September: New member John will talk about his work during the first half of the evening.
Closing date for Competition No 1 - PLEASE NOTE THIS HAS BEEN DELAYED TO WEDNESDAY 28TH September
The second half will offer the opportunity to tap into the collective knowledge of all our members, if any help or advice is needed.
28th September: Sue O’Connell FIPF DPAGB ABPE EFIAP/d/3 EPSA, and Peter Brisley DPAGB BPE2* EFIAP
Sue is a multi award winning national and international travel photographer, and Peter's work has been featured in solo and group exhibitions, as well as Black and White Photography magazine.
As a husband and wife team, they will be talking about: More travels Towards the Edge, and showing a selection of prints.
October 2022
5th October: Ed Collacott, will talk about his life long passion for landscapes
Joint meeting with Hanham, to be held at Hanham PS club, Hanham Methodist Church
12th October: Judging evening of Competition No. 1
19th October: Lisa Rendal specialises in ICM - intentional camera movement. Her talk will be about being more creative: Dare to be Different
26th October: Stu McKenzie FRGS ARPS: 'Journey'
Stu is an Award Winning Photographer, Adventurer, Veteran and Former Senior BBC Cameraman.
2nd November: Damion Lovegrove, Contemporary Photographer, Adventurer and Tutor
Joint meeting with Hanham, to be held at Hanham PS club, Hanham Methodist Church
Please note the closing date for Competition No 2 has been extended to 9th November for Prints and DPI's
9th November - Brian Northmore, Landscape and Outdoor Photography, will talk about his 10 year project: 'On Dartmoor'
ZOOM Evening at home
16th November: Members Evening DPI's
23rd November: Judging Evening of Competition 2
30th November: David Burnett 'Alaska Highlights'
7th December: Panel Competition. Members to submit up to 3 panels.
Judging on the night with a small buffet
14th December: Adrian Wyatt will be giving a talk about Mindful Photography, exploring the links between photography and wellbeing.
21st December Closed for Christmas Holiday
28th December Closed for Christmas Holiday
January 2023
4th January: Leigh Preston FRPS, EFIAP, MPAGB
Leigh is a member of the London Salon and describes why their emphasis is on individuality, and artistic approach.
11th January: Club Social Evening
Closing date for Competition No 3.
18th January: Julian Elliot
Julian is an award winning travel and landscape photographer and delighted us last season with his intimate images of the Mongolian Eagle Hunters.
25th January: Judging evening of Competition 3
1st February: Sandie Cox ARPS, DPAGB will talk about: ‘Gorillas, Chimps and More..’
Sandie is a Nature/Wildlife and Travel Photographer, and also a judge, having been appointed by the WCPF.
8th February:
Charles Jackson AV Competition
15th February: Adrian Cook will talk about Landscape Photography.
22nd February. Members Prints Evening.
1st March. Glyn Edmunds: ‘African Wildlife’
A talk about Glyn's favourite style of photography.
ZOOM Evening at home :
Change in program: 8th March: Chairman's challenge. Plus: ‘The club yesteryear (Old slides)’
Closing date for Competition No 4.
Moved from the 8th to 15th March: Tony Worobiec FRPS. ‘Abandoned America.’
Tony is an award winning photographer and author of 17 books. His work appears on many book covers and in more than 100 photographic magazines.
22nd March: Judging evening of Competition 4
29th March: Practical Evening
Please return competition trophies and cups this evening
5th April: Easter holiday
12th April: Easter holiday
19th April: David Bathard FRPS AWPF ‘Prints of India’
David will narrate about his travels in India through his prints.
Print and DPI of the Year closing date
26th April: Matthew Cattell ‘Natural World’.
Matthew raises awareness for our natural world through his award winning images.
May - Please note the AGM has been moved to the 17th May
3rd May: Judging print and DPI of the Year.
10th May: Practical night TBA
17th May: Annual General Meeting Social and Awards Night
Dates for Summer Photoshoot Outings TBA:
4th September Welcome back. Share photos from the summer
Fear Institute
11th September Social Evening
18th September Members Evening
25th September Alex Nail, Mountain photographer
Closing date for Competition 1
October 2024
2nd October Simon Caplan, Woodland Photography
9th October Judging of Competition 1
16th October Josh Dury, “Starman” Astrophotography
23rd October “Boys in Bristol” Local Projects
30th October Greg Lovett, RPS Nature
November 2024
6th November Chris Palmer, “Intimate Landscapes” (Prints NOT available on Zoom)
With Hanham and Kingswood but now taking place at the Fear
13th November Tim Jones from Fotospeed
Closing date for Competition 2
20th November Colleen Slater, Macro
Zoom Shared with Hanham and Kingswood
27th November Judging of Competition 2
December 2024
4th December Mike Martin “I've told you a million times I don't repeat myself”
11th December Peter Crane - Street Photography
18th December Panel Competition
2025 Happy New Year
January 2025
8th January. Sarah Howard, Capturing Mood in Landscape Photography
Zoom (Shared with Hanham and Kingswood - KPS to organise)
15th January Sam Binding - Bristol, Somerset landscapes
Closing date for Competition 3
22nd January Rose Atkinson, “The Art of Blur”
29th January Judging of Competition 3
February 2025
5th February Social Evening
12th February AV competition
19th February Adrian Wyatt, “Continuing the Photographic Journey”
26th February Dean Packer –"The Joys (and frustrations) of Photography in Japan"
Closing date for Competition 4
March 2025
5th March Victoria Hillman - Macro
12th March Judging of Competition 4
19th March Jack Lodge, Landscapes and Nature
26th March Chairman's Challenge
April 2025
2nd April Kathy Farrell, “Wildlife”
9th April Members prints and Digital Images
Prints and DPI of the Year hand in
16th April Practical Evening “Droplets”
23rd April Easter Break
30th April Judging of Print and DPI of the Year
May 2025
7th May Jeremy Fennell, Bristol Photographer
14th May Annual General Meeting (AGM)
21st May Social Evening and Awards
Summer evening photography outings are held on the
first Wednesdays in June, July and August.
The finalised programme for September 2023 to May 2024
September 2023
6 th September: Welcome Back.
Members to share photos from the summer.
13th September: Local outing / Social evening.
20th September: Share images from outing. Kingswood Salver or other competition
27th: Our own Adrian Wyatt to share his Photography Journey.
27th September: Closing date for Competition No 1.
Please note this has been changed from the 20th
October 2023
4th October: Mike Ogborne: India and Street Photography.
11th October: Judging of Competition No 1 by Lee Spencer-Rees
18th October: Lisa Rendell: Creative Photography.
25th October.
To be held at Hanham PS.
Gareth Martin:The New Talk.
November 2023
1st November: David Lingham: Monochrome Images.
8th November IMPORTANT CHANGE re speaker evening at Hanham with Laura Pearce: Fashion and Beauty photography.
The talk will now be on Zoom.
Our members have two choices:
either watch the talk at Hanham on their large screen
or via zoom link at home.
Please note the 8th is also the closing date Competition No 2. Malcolm and Stewart will be in touch regarding the delivery of prints
15th November: Alastair Chalmers: Antarctic.
22nd November: Judging for Competition No 2 by Grete Howard ARPS.
29th November: Pam and Eddie Lane: New Zealand.
December 2023
6 th December.
Zoom hosted by Hanham
David Keep:Underwater Landscape.
13th December:
Panel competition. Winter theme.
Mince pies.
Christmas Break.
January 2024
3rd January.
Leigh Preston.
10th January: Sandie Cox: Wildlife Photography.
17th January: Closing date for Competition No 3.
17th January.
Zoom hosted by Hanham
Matt Emmett.
24th January.
Simon Caplan: Still Life Images.
31st January.
Competition No 3 Judged by Alistair Ritchie.
February 2024
7th February: Social evening.
14th February:
AV competition
21st February:
David Griffiths: Photos from North Wales.
28th February: Programme Change: Emily Endeen will be joining us via ZOOM. do have a look at her website:, titled: Soulful Photography . Please do not go to the Fear.
March 2024
6th March:
Chairman's Challenge.
Closing date for Competition No 4.
13th March:
Simon Williams
‘Through an older Vintage eye’ cameras and processes - Simons work was featured on the BBC News Channel
20th March:
Judging for Competition No 4 by Steve Field
Easter Break: No club Evenings on the 27th March and 3rd April
April 2024
10th April:
Members Evening: Prints and Digital.
Please return your competition cups and trophies.
17th April: Adrian Cooke: Seaside Photography.
Prints and DPI of the Year entries by today
24th April: Practical evening. TBC
May 2024
1st May.
Judging of Print and DPI of the year: Doug Lodge
8th May.
Bill Ward: In search of ……
15th May.
AGM. Social and Awards.
Summer evening photography outings are held on the
first Wednesdays in June, July and August.
September 2022
7th September: Welcome Back Members Evening - show us what you have photographed over the summer
Kingswood Salver
14th September: Photoshoot Outing T.B.C.
21st September: New member John will talk about his work during the first half of the evening.
Closing date for Competition No 1 - PLEASE NOTE THIS HAS BEEN DELAYED TO WEDNESDAY 28TH September
The second half will offer the opportunity to tap into the collective knowledge of all our members, if any help or advice is needed.
28th September: Sue O’Connell FIPF DPAGB ABPE EFIAP/d/3 EPSA, and Peter Brisley DPAGB BPE2* EFIAP
Sue is a multi award winning national and international travel photographer, and Peter's work has been featured in solo and group exhibitions, as well as Black and White Photography magazine.
As a husband and wife team, they will be talking about: More travels Towards the Edge, and showing a selection of prints.
October 2022
5th October: Ed Collacott, will talk about his life long passion for landscapes
Joint meeting with Hanham, to be held at Hanham PS club, Hanham Methodist Church
12th October: Judging evening of Competition No. 1
19th October: Lisa Rendal specialises in ICM - intentional camera movement. Her talk will be about being more creative: Dare to be Different
26th October: Stu McKenzie FRGS ARPS: 'Journey'
Stu is an Award Winning Photographer, Adventurer, Veteran and Former Senior BBC Cameraman.
2nd November: Damion Lovegrove, Contemporary Photographer, Adventurer and Tutor
Joint meeting with Hanham, to be held at Hanham PS club, Hanham Methodist Church
Please note the closing date for Competition No 2 has been extended to 9th November for Prints and DPI's
9th November - Brian Northmore, Landscape and Outdoor Photography, will talk about his 10 year project: 'On Dartmoor'
ZOOM Evening at home
16th November: Members Evening DPI's
23rd November: Judging Evening of Competition 2
30th November: David Burnett 'Alaska Highlights'
7th December: Panel Competition. Members to submit up to 3 panels.
Judging on the night with a small buffet
14th December: Adrian Wyatt will be giving a talk about Mindful Photography, exploring the links between photography and wellbeing.
21st December Closed for Christmas Holiday
28th December Closed for Christmas Holiday
January 2023
4th January: Leigh Preston FRPS, EFIAP, MPAGB
Leigh is a member of the London Salon and describes why their emphasis is on individuality, and artistic approach.
11th January: Club Social Evening
Closing date for Competition No 3.
18th January: Julian Elliot
Julian is an award winning travel and landscape photographer and delighted us last season with his intimate images of the Mongolian Eagle Hunters.
25th January: Judging evening of Competition 3
1st February: Sandie Cox ARPS, DPAGB will talk about: ‘Gorillas, Chimps and More..’
Sandie is a Nature/Wildlife and Travel Photographer, and also a judge, having been appointed by the WCPF.
8th February:
Charles Jackson AV Competition
15th February: Adrian Cook will talk about Landscape Photography.
22nd February. Members Prints Evening.
1st March. Glyn Edmunds: ‘African Wildlife’
A talk about Glyn's favourite style of photography.
ZOOM Evening at home :
Change in program: 8th March: Chairman's challenge. Plus: ‘The club yesteryear (Old slides)’
Closing date for Competition No 4.
Moved from the 8th to 15th March: Tony Worobiec FRPS. ‘Abandoned America.’
Tony is an award winning photographer and author of 17 books. His work appears on many book covers and in more than 100 photographic magazines.
22nd March: Judging evening of Competition 4
29th March: Practical Evening
Please return competition trophies and cups this evening
5th April: Easter holiday
12th April: Easter holiday
19th April: David Bathard FRPS AWPF ‘Prints of India’
David will narrate about his travels in India through his prints.
Print and DPI of the Year closing date
26th April: Matthew Cattell ‘Natural World’.
Matthew raises awareness for our natural world through his award winning images.
May - Please note the AGM has been moved to the 17th May
3rd May: Judging print and DPI of the Year.
10th May: Practical night TBA
17th May: Annual General Meeting Social and Awards Night
Dates for Summer Photoshoot Outings TBA: